Deepak S M
Apr 7, 2023


Well put. Nuance, which I find very lacking in the thinking pattern of our whole society. If only people are interested in knowing what is, rather passing quick judgements due to fear or whatever, will deliver a clear vision.

It's depressing to see that people in the internet are mocking each other and calling the opposing side careless (or) delusional.

Personally, I feel that we should learn to propose our view without hurting other's ego.

I envision a future where everyone has a voice to discuss about their view which has a rational backing and contradicting/opposing views are welcomed to discuss, with a smile. Maybe, this is possible only if the group has no motive other than the search for the truth or clear vision.

Thank you for the article! This is much needed, especially during these times.



Deepak S M

Software Engineer. Math & Physics enthusiast. Dreaming of a survival-free world